четверг, 26 ноября 2015 г.

Fish - drop

Fish-drop. The scientific name for it is Psychrolutes marcidus. The fish lives in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans, preferring a greater depth (about 2800 meters). In such places, the pressure is usually higher than a few dozen times, so the gel composition of the body with a density less than that of water, and helps to maintain the viability of fish and swim with little energy consumption. The body length of the fish-drops can reach 65 cm, although it has no muscles, it is satisfied that prey that floats around her.

среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

Fish mutant with a huge head

The network has photos that Japanese fisherman Hirasaka Hiroshi boasts unprecedented catch. The footage shows him with great difficulty holding a giant fish, probably catfish.
According to British newspaper The Daily Mail, the giant has been caught in the north of the island of Hokkaido, near to the Russian territorial waters. Hiroshi known in Japan that catches and eats the most unusual fish, and sensations shares with readers of his blog.
Fish catfish is found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It feeds on crabs and mollusks that live on the ocean floor. Usually these fish reach a length of 1.2 meters. Hiroshi caught catfish the size - more than two meters.
Unusual catch caused serious concern among the Japanese fishermen. They fear that what happened at Fukushima accident seriously affected the fish population of the Japanese coast.

P.S. I'm sorry, but the video in Russian

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.


Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short projecting "tail" (abdomen)  usually entirely hidden under the thorax. They live in all the world's oceans, in fresh water, and on land, are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton and have a single pair of claws. Many other animals with similar names – such as hermit crabs, king crabs, porcelain crabs, horseshoe crabs and crab lice – are not true crabs.